Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Fixing Inequities

 You see a lot of so-called Republicans raising concerns about the deficit and national debt now that we have a Democratic Administration.  These seem like legitimate concerns except of course most of the concern simply wasn't there when the previous administration was in charge.

The latest bills were designed to be deficit neutral and while that is based on estimates that can be challenged, the result would not be the numbers being thrown around.   It is also a bit disingenuous when they passed the tax break that greatly expanded the deficit not that long ago.

There are two theories of Government, one is that leaving the money with private industry and private individuals will result in better spending decisions.  Well it will result in more selfish ones and as far as industry is concerned that is OK.  However as far as infrastructure and human investment it hasn't worked.

Our infrastructure is out of date and in some cases dangerous and our human support infrastructure is never created.

Families in this country are penalized for things that are needed for them to work and thrive.

Things like day care, pre-school educations, college debt, paid parental leave are disasters to our middle class.  The real question is should the development of our future generations be a matter of luck as to what family you were born into?  It is now.

Clearly wealthier individuals have a tremendous advantage which in a merit-based system is counterproductive.

It is societies best interests to develop as much talent as possible for as many as possible.  Yes, in our current system a few have been able to do well and, in some cases, extraordinary.  

Doing well shouldn't be extraordinary, it should be the norm


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