Saturday, December 4, 2021

Capitalism Is The Answer

 I was watching a show where some panelists were discussing the future and whether we would remain the economic leader or us.  They were divided but what surprised me was the failure to discuss what I believe will be the determining factor.  in fact they seemed to think it favored the Chinese.

we are a capitalist Democracy and they are a Communist dictatorship.  they are much better than us of doing what they are told while we aren't. As was pointed out they are able to complete big projects faster than us most of the time.

Unless we are properly motivated.  When profit is involved we can do miracles.  Consider the vaccines developed.  The competition led to our having vaccines which work and are effective.  This was the result of capitalism.  

The great advantage of Capitalism is that everybody can benefit and not just the State. 

This diversity of opportunity leads to creativity that totalitarian regimes can't duplicate.  This release of creativity has led to our economic domination in the past and will keep us in the lead as long as we keep it.

The idea that a communist dictatorship can dominate us is,to me, ludicrous. 

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