Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Omicron Thoughts

 The announcement of a new variant of Covid apparently has the world in a tizzy.  It is thought to be more infectious than the prior ones but as far as I can tell not more lethal.

As it spreads a bit we see reactions from countries and questions as to whether the vaccines will be effective.

Not being a scientist I'm in no position to know but that isn't stopping anyone else so here's my opinion.

The vaccine will be less effective until they modify it.

It is unlikely to be more lethal but it has some different symptoms.

It is becoming much like our present day flus, new variants every year that will require new vaccines.

Like the flu it will always be potentially lethal but like the flu, which was extremely virulent at first it will be part of the background noise.

There will be more and better treatment options as we go.

Mask wearing in public will be more common.

Just my thoughts.

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