Sunday, November 14, 2021

Intentional Misinfomation

 I don't remember exactly when but at some point is some security briefing I remember being told how our enemies were intent on destroying us from within.  We were too strong for a direct attack but our openness made us vulnerable to various types of cyber attacks.

I look around at where society is today and think, they were successful.  The internal divisions have grown so deep that at least one side believes it will take violence to win.  I know that social media has opened the door to bad information and provided fuel for the fire of hatred they spawned.

I should probably start taking notes but I notice more and more how people on socal media attack the Government as a matter of course.  Gas prices are up, blame the Government, 

Its also true in network TV shows where the Government keeps secrets, covers up things and lies to the citizens for selfish purposes.  

It just seems too organized to be the work of a few conspiracy nuts  It also doesn't seem like what I would call normal opposition politics, unless of course they are at war.  Yes some of it is promoted by right wing news media which seems odd, but our foreign enemies don't want us to become them they want us to fight among ourselves.

They create issues out of no issues quite effectively.  One of the talking points they seem to be pushing is how oil and gas prices were influenced by canceling some pipeline projects.  Sounds almost reasonable until you realize those projects were not operational and could not impact the current prices.  Maybe future prices but the increase today is unrelated.

I watch a show on a local channel most morning called the new normal.  With very few exceptions they simply talk about previous practices, nothing new.  

We live in a pretty desirable age over all.  Our country is at peace, there are plenty of jobs, technology is reducing many headaches.  Some problems remain and some will always last.

The acrimony in our culture would imply things are falling apart.  For there to be such a disconnect between perception and reality, I suspect intent.  

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