Thursday, November 25, 2021

A Day of Thanks

Today is a day we give Thaks and we have a lot to be thankful for.  Not everything is perfect but it never has been. 

Still we 're not mired in a long ground war in Asia, Jobs are plentiful and while still active we have tools to combat the pandemic.  We also are finally starting to fix our infrastructure and hopefully address problems facing the American families.

Oil prices jumped as demand returned and the demand for goods have led to some supply chain bottlenecks.  Those things will quickly pass in the scheme of things.

We have a long way to go to address climate change and the faster we start the better.  At least we realize it's a problem. 

Some point to the historical stories of pilgrims and Indians and say it never happened the way we tell it.

Not sure why I would care, we know didn't treat native Americans very well but giving thanks for what is happening today is unrelated.

I think we can take one day out of the year to count our blessings.

After the Weekend people can get back to bickering.

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