Sunday, November 7, 2021


 I think a lot about why people, at least some people, will believe outrageous claims about things the Government does while ignoring the actual data.

There have been a few instances where the Government, or a part of it, did bad things.  The study about syphilis is one but even that, while clearly racist, was believed by its proponents to have long term good impacts.  This doesn't excuse it, people were harmed and we should have known better, but it wasn't presented as an evil plot.

We also have treated the Native Americans badly over the years, but throughout history conquers have been cruel.  Similar to the way Africans and Asians were considered to be in the way of European Christians trying to civilize their lands we didn't take their needs into account.

The transgressions are fairly rare, although some think they are constant and if you believe the Government faked the moon landing or plotted to kill JFK you are probably too far into the ether to be reached.

There generally are no deep dark secrets although in the course of conducting Government business not everything is disclosed.  First it would be too voluminous and second what matters is the ultimate decision.

Think about some of the conspiracies so far.  They generally rely on a simple idea, the Government can't answer every possible question.  So is periods of Oswald's life are vague, what about that?  Could the moonshots have been faked?  Probably not with the technology of the time but now they could.  Ignore the fact that many nerds here were able to ping artifacts on the moon that would only be there if we were.

Ignore everything that proves you wrong and you can claim its still possible.

It isn't. 

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