Sunday, November 21, 2021

Really Just Gun Violence

 There are problems with our jury system, it can be unpredictable and arbitrary and perhaps the biggest issue is that the lawyers who represent the State and the Accused aren't often at the same skill level.

Its a relic of our feudal past when the only alternative was to leave it up to an even more arbitrary system.

Its hard to imagine a black man going to another state, carrying a rifle, exchanging taunts with a crowd, shooting three and killing one. being acquitted.  In fact its hard to believe he would have been allowed to walk away in the first place.

The people involved will have to live with their consciences and in some cases civil trials.  

Why this is even a political cause is odd.  No one opposes the jury system and while the judge may have been a bit biased, the trial was essentially fair.

The people of this country have to decide what sort of laws they want and maybe Wisconsin should look at its self defense statutes.

It isn't the first bad verdict and it won't be the last.  As long as the jury was working in good faith, it simply is.

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