Monday, November 1, 2021

Subversive Christianity

 I doubt this is something most Americans know, although they might have seen it in a history book, but fundamentally the reason Europe was Christian was because the Roman Empire made it the official religion under the Emperor Constantine.  That spread it to all the areas they controlled while missionaries expanded it further.

This was originally Catholicism until the Protestant Revolution although it had a Western Branch under the Pope and an eastern Branch.

The countries of Europe further spread it via thec olonial expansions into North and South America.  The non-European countries might have some Christians but generally don't embrace it and practice Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, and other Religions.

Christianity at its heart is not a democratic religion.  It was originally under a pope but those who formed protestant sects it is generally run by bishops or elders with the central authority being the Bible, a book written by numerous authors.

There are other books claiming authority but the current bible includes the ones that passed examination as supporting the general views of the cult.

Generally most followers don't really pay attention to its tenets talking about the ten commandments (an old testament list) while ignoring the teachings of Christ who taught that loving they neighbor was fundamental.  They mostly don't.  

The history of the religion includes support for slavery, oppression of women, religious wars and plenty of violence which by definition is not neighborly love.

Individuals may practice his teachings but the religion or cult as a whole certainly hasn't.  In fact it spreads much more hate than love.

They are interested in applying the old testament precepts to our Government, a totally undemocratic concept.  It would be as bad as Sharia Law.  We have seen some examples of this in some localities in the past and it was tyrannical and puritanical.

They get to try to undermine our democracy tax free and therefore we all subsidize their subversive activities.  

I for one don't want to support them or any other equivalent group.

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