Sunday, October 31, 2021


 One issue we have today that I don't believe we ever had before, even during the depression is whether we remain a democracy. 

The fact that this is under attack is maybe the scariest things about this Halloween.

It is under attack by the Republican party which wants to install the president they choose rather than the one elected.

They will, like all dictatorial regimes pretend he was actually elected but the votes have been counted and that is not the case.

Even as we watch we see a plan pay out which seems to be the continuation of the reaction to Obama.

Certain people n this country took advantage of the ACA to take over many state Governments in 2010 and have established built in majorities for state houses which get to redistrict.

This allowed the presidency to be stolen in 2016 via misinformation, the Electoral college and media attacks.

It demonstrates how single determined parties can undermine a system of democracy stealthily.

The idea that is being sold is that this country belongs to "the right people" meaning white people of European descent.

That not democracy and we really can't let it happen.

If we actually believe in America.

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