Saturday, October 30, 2021


 Everyone likes to complian about Government, its easy to do and big enough that something is going to be messed up.

Years ago I took a management course that made a point about how Government treats people, it treats everyone the same.  That seems fair but they want to be treated individually.

Oddly our system is designed to root out the corruption common in many Governments and maybe in some levels of ours where special treatment comes with a price tag.  Even here that's sort of true.  I remember a friend of mine who worked for the State Department passport division and he was one of the people who dealt with celebrities who need "Special Treatment".  Yes many times they did need expedited service to meet obligations but he liked his job because it allowed him to meet or at least interact with them.

Their fame got them expedited service while generally the rest of us had to deal with the normal delays (they do try to accommodate urgent needs).

When he would tell his stories no one generally asked him why a Government agency was so solicitous of celebrities?  It just seemed normal.

Often the complaints are based on our own failure to understand the process, which is of course to be expected since we might deal with it infrequently.  I went to get an updated more secure license from my DMV a while back and had gathered up all the documents only to be rejected because one of my proofs was printed out and not the original.  Since I got this document electronically from my employer it never occurred to me that would be a problem.  I did feel that the person I was dealing with knew, based on my passport and other documentation, that I was who I said I was but I had to settle for a lesser license.

When I looked at the website it did stress original documents only but as I said I got this form electronically so in effect it was the original.  

I felt a bit misused, but in fairness how far should we allow a DMV clerk to bend the rules?  

I don't know but common sense should somehow enter into it.

It would help Government and us. 

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