Friday, October 1, 2021

Politician's For Sale!

 As Americans we all want to be treated with some respect and to trust that our elected officials have our best interests at heart.  You are entitled to this no matter your background, wealth, gender or sexual preference.

Understandably we will have policy differences.  The best way to provide people with health care is worth a discussion, not providing health care is not an option, or it shouldn't be.  

Gaining power as a Party so you can enjoy the spoils is not an option.  Those spoils come from us.  

I was watching a TV show where in order to open a business requiring a liquor license they had to pay a $500 bribe.  The problem with this is that it didn't seem particularly unusual.

I was reading how two well known politicians use Pacs to support their lifestyle.  I guess its a loophole of some kind.

Since the Supreme Court OK the buying of offices money has flowed freely.  

Money comes with strings so what was presented as a Freedom of Speech issue became an open political auction.

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