Saturday, October 9, 2021

The Data is Available

 Why are so many of us cynical about the Government?  The Government isn't prefect and it does make mistakes but its not malevolent.  Some people in the Government do lie but they do that for individual reasons like covering up corruption or incompetency but they don't represent the Government, at least not really.

It seems like many people have made up their minds about what the truth is and if the Government doesn't say what you want to hear, they must be lying.  Even worse, some people don't believe established things like the moon landing, or who won the last election.

It seems like, and very well may be, a disinformation campaign by our enemies trying to bring us down from the inside.  Do I know that to be the case?  No, but it does present a logical answer to all the lies and disinformation we see out there.

Hell, some people even argue that the Earth is flat.  I saw a person on you tube arguing this in the most ridiculous manner, claiming it looks flat so it must be.  There are some very simple experiments if he wants to really know but clearly he doesn't.

People have become convinced by what is broadcast and posted that they need and/or are entitled to individual proof of things.  You are entitled to do your own research but if you don't understand the evidence provided that is on you.  

The arguments you hear are simply ignorant, if for example prior period data is slightly adjusted, then none of the data can be trusted.  Absurd.

Why you would believe some hater on the internet instead of your elected officials or public servants is a mystery.  One has an agenda and the others have responsible jobs.

You are buying a pig in a poke and it might not even be a pig.

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