Saturday, October 23, 2021

Government as Enemy?

 I was watching a new show about people who end up in 10,000 BC (that might give it away) and at one point a person sent to save them was asked what was the world's reaction and he said the Government was waiting to figure out what happened.  The person exclaimed, "another typical Government cover up!".

It made me think that if that reaction is making it into popular network TV shows, it has fully permeated our society.  I know going back to some very old shows we had conspiracy theorists but they tended to be peripheral characters, who no one took seriously on the show.

Now it seems like a remark like this is just accepted by the characters.  The problem was that on the show no one knows what caused the event, at least not that we would know, and the people involved are apparently randomly selected.  So what exactly is the cover up?

I'm pretty sure that will be revealed as we go along, but this random destructive act, which clearly defies the laws of time and space, is probably going to be part of a massive Government experiment or ???

Well it is entertainment and fantasy but I was thinking about how the Government has been portrayed in shows and movies I have seen and it is never very good   We have a strong anti-Government culture built into our society.  It is as old as the country since even in the early days, people moved to the frontier to avoid Government regulation.  We had the whisky rebellion during our first President's term and ongoing anti-Government sentiment ever since.

What is troubling about it is that many of the people who are anti-Government seems to want an authoritarian type of Government.

Maybe that's what they think they have now?

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