Saturday, October 2, 2021

Fake? Media of Dramatic?

 I was watching a TV interview of a Democratic Senator and the interviewer asked if the Senator was worried that the party was in trouble because of the media highlighted divisions.  The answer was simply we will get things done and I think that is true.

However, to read the papers we have serious issues with their agenda and the ranks are filled with dissension.  I can't blame journalists for being dramatic, it sells their product but it certainly is quite detailed.  

The lack of any bipartisanship on the spending issues elevates the internal disagreements even more.  Further, being politicians, members of the party like press time and release statements for their constituents which generally point out how they will achieve their promises.

None of this constitutes any sort of true crisis in the ranks simply a bit of negotiation.

In the old days this sort of thing was done a bit less publicly but it always happened.

In the end it won't mean much at all but it will get a lot of coverage before, during and after.

Its just the media.

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