Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Saving Humanity

Most of the so called issues facing the country today are pretty superficial. The one exception is Climate Change and we have had that problem for years.  It isn't just our problem but the fact that the rest of the world also has to act shouldn't prevent us from taking the actions we can. It is probably a good thing if the price of carbon goes up, although an inconvenience for some.  Switching light bulbs or adding insulation may not seem like the solution, but its going in the right direction and actions like that add up.

Most decisions in the world are still made based on economics, and it isn't going to be good if all our products become "green" but can't compete with the ones using carbon.

Maybe putting tariffs on goods from polluting countries can help?  Yes that might lead to some increased prices but it allows clean companies to compete and reduce their prices as technology improves.

It would be a minor sacrifice.  I know many people struggle daily to make ends meet so it would be more than minor for them.  We should address that but the bigger issue is the destruction of this world.  

That's really not accurate, it is the destruction of humanity that is the issues, the world has had lots of different atmospheres in the past and was just fine.  If we destroy it we will be the ones to suffer.


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