Friday, October 22, 2021

Emotion Wins

 People have many aspects and some people have some aspects that are nearly the total opposite of others.

Take the election of 2016.  We had a candidate who essentially symbolized everything we like about this country except for the only attribute that really counted, likability.

I've met Hillary at a number of events, not that we spent any real time together, she was a speaker but she shook hands with everyone at the end.  I got in line and shook her hand and my memory of that is nothing more.  She wasn't unfriendly but she lacked, let's call it charisma. My opinion of her didn't change at all which I guess is the point.

I've never met Trump and don't particularly want to, but from seeing him on various shows over the year, he actually seems to have a real personality, not necessarily a good one, but one that leaves an impression on you.  He almost certainly doesn't care about anyone but himself but I gather he also will immediately treat you like someone he's known for ever.   This will leave an impression, one way or another.

Over the years I've been on many trips and traveled with many different people.  A few, and it was a very few, don't follow normal etiquette in things like car services or elevators.  They start to engage with the driver or the fellow riders even if the time in negligible.  Generally if I'm taking a car service to the airport I want to be left in peace.  I have had conversations with the drivers but they initiated them in just about every case.  

Having and showing that interest in an individual is something that forms a bond of sorts.  Hillary seemed to care a lot about certain issues, but not sure how she felt about any individual.  

Emotional ties are the ones that tend to govern our actions, intellectual ones are secondary.  You may or may not jump into a river to save a stranger but if its your child you most likely will.

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