Friday, October 8, 2021

Fix the Home Front

 I was watching a show about a family concerned about someone trying to get our of Afghanistan and when the TV announces breaking news, which turned out to be about a Football Team and not Afghanistan, one of the members gets upset that we are more concerned about sports than peoples lives.

Well certainly about people we don't know at least.  

We still live in a rich and prosperous country that has via our Government and large businesses exploited much of the world to help us be rich and prosperous.  Certainly we weren't the first or even the worst but exploit we did.  In pursuit of this we have involvement in most of the world taking positions that mean little to most Americans.

Tragically, like every other world empire we sustain this via the sacrifice of young men and women often fighting people they know almost nothing about for interests that don't concern them.

Meanwhile we concern ourselves with everyday things like say sports.

We need to fix our own issues and stay out of other people's affairs unless they actually impact us.

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