Sunday, October 10, 2021

Democracy Is A Struggle

Assuming and that a big assume that the people we see interviewed on various news channels and shows are representative of the public at large, it is clear that Americans have a poor understanding of how our Republic works.

For example I was watching a show the other night where a black person, acting as a spokesman maybe, said that if Biden didn't deliver on his promises they wouldn't vote for Democrats next time.

OK but he seemed intelligent enough to realize that the people holding up those accomplishments or promises were in fact the other party.  So vote for the people who won't deliver what you want and don't even want to deliver it?

I hear a lot of other commentators talk about how since the Democrats control all three branches, the pressure is on for them to deliver.  That control is a bit misleading since much of the agenda requires at least some participation from the other party and 100% of Democratic support.  

Yes if someone doesn't keep their promises they should pay the consequences if of course they had the power to do so.

Of course when the alternative is to vote for people who will end up oppressing you, support disastrous climate policies and only keep promises made to rich supporters, well the choice should be clear.

Still, since we seem to have failed most civic classes, we can continue to vote for people who are ok with gunning people down in the street.

Or vote for the better future.

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