Friday, October 15, 2021

The Deep State

 The problem with drawing your conclusion without evidence is that you are forced to try and find the evidence.

The silly premise of the big lie is that after the in person voting showed partial results, the mail in votes changed it around.  Now if the conclusion you draw from that is that this was exactly what was expected based on who was voting in person vs by mail, you are satisfied.  If on the other hand you jump to the conclusion that mail in ballots were tampered with, you go on a search for evidence.

When you find none, you make up a thing called forensic audits which are going to go behind the process and root out the shenanigans.  Of course that effectively accepts that the ballots are coted correctly but many of those ballots were not real or altered.

Still no evidence but the persist in calling for them since it is the last straw, maybe.

Not sure where they would go after the forensic silliness, but they seem to be creative in their current desperation.

What I wonder about is does anyone believe any of this?

Our election systems have been used since we were formed and while they have been modernized to some extent over the years, they have worked.

It requires belief in an invisible but very powerful cabal that works behind the scenes to rig elections.

I guess this is the deep state.  

Deep state of confusion and denial.

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