Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Achieve Your Potential

 There are two things that sports teaches you.

One the feeling you get from winning or achieving your goal is one of the best feelings you will ever have.

The work you need to put in is painful, boring and often unrewarding.

Generally there is only one winner or maybe its a team.  Everyone competing though puts in a certain amount of work.  The work is essential but the results are dependent on that but also natural talent.

We don't all start out equal.  

I don't care how much someone without the physical attributes works, he probably can't overcome certain natural abilities.

You will never outrebound a 7 foot player if you are only 6 foot on a regular basis. I used to play basketball with a guy who was a few inches shorter than me and he sometimes outhustled me for rebounds.  Of course once I figured out his game I was able to box him out the vast majority of the time.  He needed the element of surprise to be successful while I could rely on being taller.

You can certainly achieve a lot via hard work but that can only help you achieve your potential.

Some simply have more potential than you do.

Still hard work can let you achieve 100% of your potential which might be enough if they only achieve 50% of theirs.

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