Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Moving the Needle

 If you are from the east coast or west coast it might be wotwhile to spend some time in a red state before the next election.  I was in a red state a few months before the last presidential election and watching he political ads was interesting.

At that time, in the shadow of Trump, it was obvious that many candidates were running as "Principled Conservatives".  I can't be sure but that term was used so much I think it might have been sent out be the election committee.  Of course the radical left was often mentioned and in a State where they weren't on the ticket we saw a lot of comparisons to AOC and Omar, the crew.  I imagine there was a Democrat running but for all I know he/she was one of those principled Conservatives since I didn't notice any liberals running.

Of course there was very little substance in the ads, just shots of sunny days, happy families and some guns thrown in just in case.  It basically said that if you want to live the good life vote for us or your world will turn upside down, your children will have to use coed bathrooms and you'll be taxed to pay undeserving people for doing nothing.

Not all of this was said but somehow the message was pretty clear.  I will have to say that they have the public relations thng down pat and without much from the opposition it seems like its real.

How do we turn those States?  It actually doesn't seem like we are trying very hard.  

Clearly we need to push moderation, its how Biden won.  If you are faced with moving a giant boulder, getting it started is the hard part.  One it starts rolling it can be hard to stop.

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