Monday, October 18, 2021

The Right To Vote

 While it seems almost certain that the Voting Rights bill will be blocked by a Republican filibuster, it deserves to be looked at.

Elections are governed by each state and the question has to be why?

Citizens of the United States are guaranteed equal protection under the law.  The right and ability to vote should be the same anywhere you live.  In the past we saw States try to deny the vote to minorities to perpetuate the power structure.  In response the Federal Government did enact a voting rights act identifying suspect states, but that was gutted by the Supreme Court who decided Federal Review of those States were no longer needed.

They were wrong if you look at their activities since that ruling.  What states try to do is discriminate in a way that stays within the lines, if just barely.

It is going to be quite a while before some states actually treat all their citizens equally. Its been over 150 years since the end of the Civil War and we still have discrimination.  Discrimination is not restricted to one part of the country, but attempts to control the vote might be more established in some states.

One thing the Republicans recognize is that if we had free and full elections where everyone voted, they would win a lot less. 

It might force them to adopt policies that were good for everybody rather than a small elite.

Should the Federal Government force this?  I think who can vote and how they vote should be uniform so yes.  

It will be blocked however.

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