Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Equal Protection?

 The fourteenth amendment to our constitution was passed to assure the newly freed slaves were treated fairly.  The equal protection clause of that amendment requires states to treat all its citizens equally.

The reason it was needed was because States tried to control the newly freed blacks with specific constraints.  After the Amendment was passed they still tried but at times they were rebuffed.  Unfortunately the passage of a law, even a constitutional amendment, doesn't remove the politics of the Justices.

At his very moment we see certain states attempting to deny some of its citizens equal protection.  They do have to do it cleverly so the tactic is to identify areas that the undesirable population shares and make that a negative criteria.  For instance, for various reasons in their history, less Black Americans apply for state credentials.  This lack allows them to be identified "equally" as being unable to vote.

It is a not so subtle method of discrimination and Americans should be horrified at it.  Unfortunately many are not and because theoretically they could all "apply" for these credentials it might satisfy the law to our biased Supreme Court Justices.

Are they biased?  Does the sun rise in the East?

The biases are deeply held and we have both liberal and conservative ones.

Ideally they would provide that equal protection under the law required by the fourteenth Amendment.

They are far from ideal.

Look at how sacred they hold gun ownership.   Too bad voting isn't in the same category.

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