Monday, October 4, 2021

Voting is the Answer

 Its goig to be interesting to see what kind of shenanigans emerge during the next election.  Whether these somewhat desperate efforts to suppress some voters works an if not what new claims might be made.

In addition to the voter suppression efforts we see an attempt to paint the current administration as week and unable to control its own party which is run by rabid multi-millionaire socialists who also happen to be pedophiles.

Mid year elections are generally low turnout ones but I suspect the next one may have higher turnout than you would expect.  High turnout favors Democrats but there is some enthusiasm among the far right components of the country although that  might not last.  Its hard to be enthusiastic about a system that is rigged against you.  We will have to wait and see.

I for one believe the country's faith in Democracy will prevail.  History doesn't actually support that.  Democracy is not as determined or united as those who would overthrow it.  

Time will tell.

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