Sunday, October 17, 2021

Politics, Politics, Politics

 There is a lot of speculation about how much of the Democratic agenda will be enacted.  They already passed the Covid relief bill which has helped millions but the next bills relate to infrastructure updates.  

These are in two bills, one of which is mostly concerned with physical, traditional infrastructure.  That has already passed with bi-partisan support.  It is however waiting on the second bill which deals with societal infrastructure and includes many progressive ideas.

This bill has no bipartisan support so it is being done under reconciliation.  It needs 100% of the Democratic senators to vote for it and for that reason is being held up.

The Senator from West Virginia objected to some of the provisions related to clean energy. The odds are that these provisions can be adjusted and the bill will pass.  Progressives will still want to address clean energy but it might need to be in separate bills. 

None of this is particularly different from how politics work.  The idea that anyone can get 100% of what they want is simply not realistic.  Does this show that the Biden administration is failing?

Obviously not and despite media exaggeration, it has taken steps to improve the country.

While the end was not favorable television or media coverage, it has extracted us from Afghanistan and we will no longer lose soldiers or money in that sinkhole.  Despite attempts to spin this as a failure, it has been the goal for at least 12 years but it is now done.  

There are other inherited problems and a few potential new ones.  The economy seems to be on track but we have energy price increases and other inflationary factors.  Some shortages persist from the pandemic.  Most economists feel these are short term issues but the opposition is making the most of it.

Issues do not tend to resolve themselves quickly.  There is a bit of a time limit because of the mid-terms which while a year away are already being contested in many cases.

How those go will have a big impact on direction of the country.  

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