Saturday, October 16, 2021

Being Fair?

 Ultimately we have only ourselves to answer to.

How we treat others or maybe who we ignore is our call.

As rich as our country is many people do not share in its bounty. 

To what extent does society owe those people help?  Is it optional?  Should it vary because of your race, religion or location?

In this country we take a somewhat minimalist approach to this question.   We distrust those who ask for help and make it difficult to avoid the scammers.  

Un in other countries certain needs are recognized as universal and good for the society.  In essence living in a society is to some extent the basis of socialism.

You might argue that Americans idealize individualism and not collaboration.

Individualism leads to winners and losers and the winners are OK, but what about the losers?

Should they be brushed aside because they failed?  Was it a level playing field?  

Do we aim for fairness or just raw competition?

Most of us at the end of the day want to be fair.  

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