Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Policies or just Opposition?

 Wven when most Americans agree with a policy,, it is very hard to pass it.  Take the tax code.  Most of us would like to see cuts for the middle class and working class extended and increase taxes on the wealthy.  You would think that would be an easy one but it isn't.

At least one of the parties has taken as their strategy defeating anything the other one proposes, no matter the merits.  This creates a clear division in our country, not based on actual policy differences but the desire to be in charge, control judicial appointments and protect the status quo.

The majority of Americans would like to see progress on things like infrastructure, health care, climate change and wealth inequality.  Certainly creating workplace rules concerning parental leave would be popular.

Not one will come out and oppose most of these things specifically, just nonsense about socialism and communism for things that are standard in most Democracies.

Opposing every initiative can lead to odd issues.  What exactly is the Republican position on gun safety?  Let everyone who wants a gun have one and hope for the best?  You can avoid addressing it by arguing constitutional rights but of course that could be amended if needed.  

Don't Americans have the right to safety as opposed to being subjected to random acts of mass violence.  They complain about the rise in homicides ignoring the rise in weapons.  

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