Thursday, September 30, 2021

Let Every Vote be Cast

 The big issue in off year elections is how many people will turn out to vote?  The more that do the better it is for the Democrats and of course Democracy.

The underlying fact in America is that we are becoming less white and more diverse as a nation.  This is simply a fact but it has been interpreted as a takeover of America by outside forces.

The original native Americans understand that but of course its not really the same.

The Asian and Latin immigrants are not arriving in force and pushing the people already here onto reservations.  Many of them have voluntarily relocated to Florida and Arizona.

Kidding aside what does this diversification of America mean?

Nothing really.

The people coming here want to be Americans not invaders.

They want homes, schools, jobs and safety.  They may or may not find those things but they are likely to find an improvement over where they came from.

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