Friday, September 17, 2021

Uneven Playing Field

 What we are seeing in Republican politics only makes sense in the framework of lost privilege.  They are the party of socially conservative Americans who are used to running things in this country.  They are generally white, church going and while they sometimes deny it are children of privilege.

The privilege they enjoy is the privilege of being part of the "in" crowd.  They are used to being treated well and take itfor granted.  They believe that they earned everything they have although many of them didn't work hard in school and simply got hired locally because they knew somebody.

Some of course did work hard and went on to become professionals or developed some expertise in an area.  but that is not really relevant.  They enjoy the privilege of being accepted if they get Government assistance they feel they have earned it by having parents who were real Americans.

The others who look different, worship differently or love differently are the problem.  They should simply try to fit in and follow the rules.  

The rules might require them to have menial jobs for a few generations but isn't that the story of America?

Why should they get any Government assistance, even if the law says they can?

If they want the same privileges as the real Americans, they need to pay their dues.

Why?  Because that's the way it is!

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