Monday, September 27, 2021

A Sucker A Minute Adds Up Over Time!

 Mark Twain reportedly said "Never Argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience".

This seems so appropriate in today's world.

There is fact based science observations, such as the Earth is Round.  One isn't prepared to argue that it isn't flat.  The idea that it may be flat is so ridiculous as to be outside our realm of logical thinking.  Similarly when people tell you the Vaccines don't work because there have been breakthrough cases, it is simply so wrong that you haven't prepared a rebuttal, but they would simply ignore it anyways.

I saw a woman ranting on Tic Toc about how she neve expected the country would have so many f*ing stupid people.  I was in the same boat.  Before the 2016 election I never thought we would elect the clown to be President.  We wouldn't have if we had a real democracy but our gerrymandered electoral college sheep led public put him anyways by the slimes to margins if you count people.  If you look at his then favorite map, he won a lot of open space with very few people.  I guess that's something.

Now even though his victory was ridiculous and defied the public will, the smarter people in this country respected our laws and customs and let him take office.  I guess that was too nice of us.

So four years later we are dealing with a defeated buffoon who has convinced his "supporters" to send him money, change state voting laws, tie up the courts and conduct absurd voting audits.

Our stupid friends say, see, something must have been wrong!  No someone threw smoke bombs and made you believe there was a real fire.

Smart Americans need to stop being polite.  Politeness can lead to more years of failure to address real issues like climate change while chasing phony media issues like who can use what bathroom.  

Give everyone the privacy they need and don't let them smoke in there.

Lets deal with the real things.

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