Wednesday, September 29, 2021


 There were hearings yesterday, you know those things where politicians try to set up good press coverage or campaign video, about Afghanistan with the Military.  Not surprisingly the Military thinks they should still be there.  A little more tie and a little more freedom would make a difference.  

No, it wouldn't.

I've worked with military men most of my career and they are hard working, dedicated, intelligent, bull headed people who learn to conform early in their career.  You can't be debating orders during a battle so  the rule is follow the command and talk about it later (post action brief).

Many of their missions involve people dying or getting seriously hurt so that might be a little late for them.

Its an important aspect in war to grab the initiative and hold it.  They used to like to be pro-active and maybe they still use that term, don't know, but given a situation like Afghanistan they will want boots on the ground in country rather that waiting for something to happen.

Wait and see is just not what they like to do, although often it is the best policy.

It isn't what they do.

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