Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Be Your Best You!

 Life is what you make of it.

Many things that impact you may seem out of your control but sometimes you just have to dig deeper.

If for example you hang out with addicts and dealers it seems possible that you might have a police encounter  You may even if you don't but the odds change.

Decisions you control often control ultimate outcomes.

Go to class today or hang out and party can be a tough one.  One time isn't so bad but lets be real, is it ever just the one time?

I remember when I got my first credit card.  That first month I took my girlfriend to various restaurants we use to go to infrequently because I used to have to wait until I had the money to pay.  (pre credit cards it was required to have cash, also the guy got to pay).  It all was fine until I got the credit card bill.  It wasn't outrageous but I had a few months of dining out expense in one bill.  We went out to eat less.

Everything has consequences, either good or bad.  If you take the consequences into account you can greatly increase good fortune coming your way.  Of course you can do the opposite too.

Can you be anyone you want to be if you put your mind t it?  Probably not, but you can be the best version of you possible.

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