Saturday, September 25, 2021

It's Economics

 One of the things that we just have to accept in this world is that many things are not equal.  The recent case concerning Gabby and het boyfriend has led to a certain amoung of outrage among people who are saying that because she was a yung attractive Wehite women she got a lot more attention than other missing persons often of color.

This idea that someone decided this is the problem.

Because she had a large social media following she got significant attention almost right away.  Second the return of her fiancee without her was at the very least suspicious. Her parent made every effort to raise attnetion and the news piced up the story. they didn't manufacture it.

Is their potential inequities in how we administer Justice.  Certainly but how we cover a story is not one of them. Hw a story unfolds in based on many factors and of course race can be one of them.  However the idea that the police were swayed by all the hoopla is undetermined.

I saw a man who has a website focusing on missing black men  He said that if he could get some of the attention that the Gabby case got he might fin more.

Well he would have to promote that story.  The hoopla is not centrally orgnized and yes what sells media is what they push.

Its not racism its simple economics, as unfair as tht may be.

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