Thursday, September 2, 2021

Texas Abortion Law?

 So the new law in Texas allows private citizens to sue abortion providers for performing abortions.  Since HIPA prevents the release of patient information without the patients consent, it would seem that getting evidence would be difficult.

Also since the penalty is civil and amounts to $10,000 or up to $10,000, its not clear to me how the amount is determined, I can see women being recruited to have abortions, so a group can sue the provider.

I guess the other way to look at it is to just add $10,000 to the cost of an abortion.  A bit pricey but that is the value Texan decided a fetus would cost.

I'm not sure what the pro-abortion people in Texas plan to do, but I can imagine a number of interesting legal cases revolving around abortion, HIPA and self-incrimination.

Maybe the civil courts can be tied up totally with these citizen cases.  

I don't know how many citizens can sue over a single abortion, it would seem that there should be a limit.

Without the patients medical records, protected by HIPA, not sure how any case would be winnable, although I suppose since civil cases only require a preponderance of evidence it is possible.

Curious as to what happens next.

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