Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Solving Problems or?

While there are issues in this country and the world, we actually know what to do about them.  Unfortunately, primarily due to political reasons, many refuse to do what will help. 

We have a pandemic which killed too many of us and around the world yet a number of us are convinced that the vaccines are more dangerous than the disease.  Most of the opposition is based on unfounded internet rumors which are usually easily disproven, but people believe the rumor and ignore the facts.  

We then have the "voter fraud" issue.  There was no evidence of any voter fraud and in fact most neutral observers think it was the cleanest election we ever had.  However due to insistent falsehoods much of the population thinks we had fraud.  The main fraud seems to be the lie that most Americans are conservative and oppose progressive policies.  They are partially convinced by maps showing large areas of the country as red and much smaller areas as blue.  Of course this is geography based, not demography based.  Land doesn't vote, people do.  In the last election the people voted for the more progressive candidate in epic numbers.

Tale the recent withdrawal from Afghanistan.  It could have gone better but the sudden collapse of the Afghan government and military waa a surprise.   Still, American troops are out and the vast majority of Americans who were there are also out.  Yes there was an attack by a terrorist group that killed American troops.  They died because of the way, not the evacuation.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Probably the biggest issue facing everyone is global warming or climate change.  It has become such well established science that few are claiming its not real.  However we still see political opposition for trying to mitigate the damage.   We have seen a series of years with some once in a lifetime weather events that unfortunately are become many times in a lifetime.  

Unfortunately our ability to address these issues is hampered by politics and its up to the American people.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             

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