Thursday, September 23, 2021

Hidden Politics

 I was watching a local news channel this morning reporting on economic data.  The noted an increase in unemployment claims ad an increase in continuing claims bu ignored the fact that because the federal program is winding down the total number receiving benefits went down.

The expert analyst (has a CPA) carrie on about the fact that inflation is real and serves as a tax on all of us.  Inflation is of course real and depending upon the items you uy my impact a person.  Considering the increases in minimum wage recently tere has to be some inflationary pressure in the system.

This is the same news channel that reported on the rise in gas prices after the disruption from first a freeze and more recently from hurricanes.  Gas prices were up a bit but the year ago comparisons were bad because they were looking at data from the pandemic.  More importantly I didn't see any disruption in supply and the variation seemed pretty normal.

Everything being reported was fact based but then we got opinions from the expert who has complained that federal policy is encouraging people not to work.  We know that the number o unfilled jobs would wipe out unemployment if we forced people to take them and I gather he would like to see economic pressure do just that.

Once again he is entitled to that opinion, even if it is probably wrong, but it occurred to me that many of my neighbors may actually rely on stuff like this for economic news.

So if you just watched this segment you would likely feel unemployment is up, inflation is up, and the Federal Government spends too much and pays people not to work.

I sense a political message there.

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