Friday, September 10, 2021

Planning the Future

 Tomorrow is the 20th anniversary of the 9-11 attacks.  Maybe remembrance is a better trrm.  The Americans who died on that day fall into two categories, the innocent victims and the first responders who died trying to save the victims.

The question that needs to answered after 20 years is whether our response to the terrorist's attacks was right or wrong.  Clearly when someone attacks us we need to respond.  

What happened was that we let politics dictate the response.  Taking action against Al Qaeda was clearly the right thing to do, they were a terrorist organization that had perpetrated multiple attacks against us

However we drove him underground and disrupted his organization fairly quickly.  However, unfortunately we saw people harness the anger of the moment to start a campaign of nation building.

We invaded Iraq under the pretense of them having weapons of mass destruction, which they never did.  

Twenty years later are things better?  We just left Afghanistan to the Taliban, and our position in the region is at best about the same as it was twenty years ago but maybe not.

Its time for America to learn the lesson of the last 20 years and maybe longer.  Kneejerk reactions simply don't work.  

As strong as this country is we have to realize we are part of a family of nations. 

Some of them are our allies and some are not.  Maybe its time we all worked together to make the world a better place.

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