Sunday, September 26, 2021

Fix Our System

 I keep reading how certain people just refuse to accept reality and our system of Government.

We have an election system that decides the winner based on the majority of votes cast.  Yes recounts can be done but once the votes are certified the election is over.

We need to revisit civics lessons because so many people don't seem to understand this.

This thing about majority  rule is I admit a bit troublesome but the system is not designed to all the losers to keep trying to change it.  We already have the electoral college and gerrymandering which skews the election a certain way.  

Similarly we have the filibuster which stopped acutually being a filibuster and turned into a procedural wreck.

If the people filibustering had to actually work we would have less of them.

Some people act like there is some constitutional basis for it.

There isn't.  It grew out of a desperation tactic to repress newly freed black people.

It wasn't used that often and it usually failed.

Then we decided lets eliminate the work associated with it and make it real easy.

Its use has increased.

Unfortunately we have a lack of faith and a number of misinformed people intent on keeping it.

It doesn't protect our democracy it threatens it as people wonder why they are bothering to vote?

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