Friday, September 3, 2021

Labor? Day

 Labor day in this country is sort of an anachronism.  It was designed to celebrate the working people in this country and was very tied in to the Unionization movement.

Unions still participate but Union membership has been on the decline and most American workers are not eager participants.

Unions fought hard for rights that are now taken for granted.  In their heyday they had some issues and were blamed for some of the costs associated with rust belt labor.

Its pretty clear that industry works hard to keep unions at bay and they have issues with things like automation and cheap foreign labor.

We have been through and may still be in a period of labor automation or outsourcing.  Much of the labor force is willing to let management do what they want.

To the extent history is any guide, Management will be out of control, if they are not already.  The one issue that is somewhat dormant, is the difference between executive pay and workers pay.

Still right now the Unions and labor seem to be losing but things do change.

Labor day is now mostly the last holiday of the summer, not a real celebration of labor.

Might as well enjoy it.

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