Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Takeover in Progress

 You would like to think that people have some basic inner goodness and respect for each other.  Unfortunately, history doesn't support that.

Did you ever wonder how certain, rather small nomadic tribes were able to turn into rampaging hoards?  Well generally after raiding a place, killing the old people and enslaving the young women and girls the young men were offered a choice, join us or die.  More joined and had no problem inflicting horror on the next village or town.

For much of history the law was exactly what the rich and powerful said it was.  There were of course places with histories of a sort of Democracy, but eventhose that lasted a long time eventually succumbed to the rich and powerful.

Rome had a long tradition of republicanism until it get perverted by the Caesars.  Brutus who has gone down as a betrayer was in fact trying to preserve certain rights.  Whether his group would have seized power or simple worked through the Senate is unknown.

We see treason and terrorism now permeating American politics.  One side has convinced millions that the other side is "bad" for real Americans and that they need to be kept out of power.  All the evidence points to it being an attempt to usurp power to preserve their hold on America.

Unfortunately, the propaganda they send out is a bit persuasive.  

Watching it happen is problematic because everyone wants to believe it can't happen here.

Well it can and it will if people do nothing.

Let all Americans vote easily and freely.

If they need IDs make sure they have one.

Don't wait until election day to reject them.

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