Sunday, September 5, 2021

Establishing Religions

 The founders of this country generally espoused religious views but certainly they were not all the same religion.  Many of them were deists which simply accepts the existence of God without accepting any particular religion.  The majority were members of the Church of England which became Anglican.  However they were wise enough to prohibit the Government from establishing a single religion or to require any religious views at all.

This was not as true as the country was settled as many towns had a church or a minister who was some denomination but the Church became somewhat central to the town's activities.  

So despite our Constitution many lived in a religious oriented community and had prayers in school, among other things that violated the constitution.

We now see a surge of religion in our national politics as politicians try to use religious beliefs to their own advantage.  They are appealing to the "real" Americans who are under attack as their religious values are ignored.

Well separation of Church and State requires that.  In fact looking at American society religion has been somewhat established in much of the country as they are given tax exemptions not available to others.

Allowing them exemption from taxation increases the taxes on the rest of us and clearly helps them maintain their existence.  Is this not the establishment of State sponsored religion?

They need to be treated the same as the rest of us and taxed.  

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