Monday, September 6, 2021

Stranded Americns?

 On some news channels we see a lot made about Americans left in Afghanistan as if they aren't there on their on volition.  The Government is doing what it can to help them get out but lets be real here.  They are there because they wanted to be there, either on business or other purposes, but they went to Afghanistan for their own reasons.

They aslo had ample warning that we were pulling the troops out and opportunities to leave.  I'm sure there are a few stories of hardship that can be exploited, but even those are not because of the Government.

Similarly many Afghanis want to leave because they don't like the Taliban.  I don't really like the Taliban but realistically they are fundamentalist Muslims not significantly different than the evangelical Christians in this country.  They are considered by many Americans to be a terrorist organization but outside of fighting the Russians and then us I'm not sure what terrorist activities they organized.  They did allow training camps to be used by Al Qaeda which we associated with the 9/11 attacks but those terrorists learned how to fly in Florida I believe and the operation was planned in Germany.

To some extent they allowed certain terrorists to stay in their country but that is not terrorism.

They also follow Sharia law quite closely which while restrictive in out eyes, is a valid system of law and justice.  

The bottom line is that if you are an American in Afghanistan its because you decided to go there.  If you are an Afghani trying to get out,  unless you are in danger because you worked for the US, you are really just another refugee.  

Too many people in this world seem unwilling to accept responsibility for their actions.  

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