Sunday, September 12, 2021

Will Democracy Survive?

 As the demographics turn against them it seems that it will be a persistent Republican theme that elections are being stolen and therefore additional barriers need to be created.

They are already complaining about the California recall election and they don't even know the results yet.

You have to realize that they have been engaged in a long term conspiracy to seize and maintain power and I'll give them some credit.

Apparently financed by the Koch brothers they developed a plan that is based on the State level first.  Win enough state legislatures and you get to gerrymander the legislative and congressional districts.  Once you have frim control of the state you can influence enough seats to have a significant say in Congress.

The simple fact is that the demographic message is clear, groups the normally favor Democrats are increasing and those the favor Republicans are decreasing.

To stall this trend you see Republicans trying to suppress certain votes.

Are they willing to go to the next step and declare that democracy is unreliable and only a leader can cure the ill of the country?

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