Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Our Nuclear Arsenal

 Think about the fact that America and a few other countries have weapons capable of effectively ending civilization as we know it.

Think about the fact the we leave this decision in the hands of the President who gets elected in our strange system and requires no specific background.

Think about the last President who was both irrational and emotional.

Its a bit of a wonder that we didn't have a disaster.  

Now we hear that one General instructed people to make sure any orders to use the bombs was valid.

It certainly exceeded his authority as a military officer but not his authority as a human.

It calls into question our whole process and who we should entrust such a decision to.

We might all like to think that there are adults overseeing the process but they don't exist.

Yes there are some safeguards but they aren't instantaneous and might be too late.

I for one am not in favor of nuclear Armageddon and not sure anyone is in favor of it.

Use of these weapons are too critical to all of us to allow an irrational person to be in charge.

Of course if you look at the carnage we have unleashed in past wars, without using these weapons, one might ask does it matter?

Dead is dead.

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