Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Voting Varies

 Elections in this country vary state by state. So a citizen who moves may have to learn new rules in order to exercise his right to vote.

States run by Republicans seem obsessed with making sure only the "good: votes count.  What the good votes are is pretty clear, white Republicans qualify.

Of course that can't be the policy so just put hurdles in the path of everyone else as best you can.

So in some states a tradition has arisen among certain minority voters to vote after church.  Hard to imagine what could be wrong with that, but they are minority voters so ban it.

For various reasons, some quite justified, minority voters are not eager to provide too much information to Government agencies.  They don't feel the Government has their best interests at heart.  So increase the requirements for I.D.s to scare them off.

On paper the restrictions look race neutral but in practice we know they aren't.

Pretending the system is fair is not convincing.

Unless we give voting administration to the federal government it isn't going to be.

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