Monday, September 20, 2021

The Party Is Winding Down

 Watching the developments since the election of Barrack Obama we have seen a reaction in the Republican Party that is probably racial in nature.

The fact that they lost to a black man who seemed whiter than many white people scared them.  It also led to prominent members promoting baseless claims about his citizenship and a determination to stop his programs.

The one they didn't stop was the Affordable Care Act but they proceeded to lie about it incessantly, and convinced enough voters it was socialist that they were able to take over many state governments.  This led to the Gerrymandering done on a scientific basis.

Still they lost in 2012's Presidential election and it looked like they were becoming a permanent minority party, at least nationwide.

The Primaries led to the surprise nomination of Trump, a totally unqualified reality TV star who used Twitter and controversy to bring new voters into the Republican party.  These new voters were conspiratorial, racist and white supremacist and not really interested in traditional Republican policies.  

They were welcome for their short term impact and because they can be highly motivated ended up dominating the primaries.

It helped them win an election but in four years it lost them one.

However having laid down with them the Republicans have now been infested with their fleas.

It will take some time to disinfect the party of these bedbugs.  Until then the only fight will be over winning, not policies.

Winning at any cost, or specifically rigging elections while accusing others of doing that.

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