Saturday, September 11, 2021

We Need freedom form Lies

 Freedom is an interesting concept.  In our country we promote it but its not an absolute right or even one guaranteed in the Bill of Rights.  We do guarantee some freedoms and prohibit slavery but freedom is not a specific right and we deprive people of freedom fairly frequently.

Not only do we detain people convicted of crimes, we also detain people simply accused.  The logic these is that they may not show up but is being accused of a crime sufficient justification for depriving people of freedom.

Maybe the best example of being deprived of freedom is the draft.  While we don't have one now, which may be a mistake, my generation and the ones before me saw millions of young men called into service who lost their freedom for a few years and too many also lost their lives.

It didn't really matter if you agreed with the war you were asked to fight, your options were limited.

Maybe the good thing about the draft was that it forced the military to be more inclusive and force a greater percentage of the population to care about our foreign involvements.

There are numerous restrictions on us in public and private settings concerning what we can do and what we can wear.  Of course we impose on foreign visitors certain restrictions similar to what they impose on us concerning vaccinations and past behavior.

So the current argument over preventive measures related to the worldwide pandemic are not unusual or extraordinary.  Unfortunately we do have one freedom guaranteed which has led to a ton of misinformation on the internet, freedom of speech.

Some people seem motivated to make up lies and they show no signs of stopping.  

The earth is not flat, we did land on the moon and the vaccines are safe and effective.

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