Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Real Issues

 What are the issues that Americans care about?

Do we care about Afghanistan?  I don't think so, not really.  We did care about our soldiers there, but they are out now.  Some are trying to convince us that they present a risk to us and in a very general sense they may allow terrorists to operate from their, but if you wanted to pick the worst place in the world to operate from it might be Afghanistan.

Its remote and while that makes it easier to hide, it doesn't lend itself to making attacks in other parts of the world.

Syria, Iraq or Iran would be better situated but not really.

You want a place with easy access to targets and good communications.  I'm not sure if attacks on this country are even much of a tactic.  I wouldn't rule out terrorist attacks but they haven't led to much success.

What we seem to care about is economic issues and not as much as one might think.

We used to worry about keeping jobs in America and giving people an opportunity to work hard to be successful.  We don't associate those two things anymore, at least not like we once did.

Our economy now requires each individual to build his /her brand.  The days of getting a job for life are gone or going.  

This actually puts a lot of pressure and a lot of low paying jobs into the mix.

This has led to the opioid epidemic and a lot of mental health issues.

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