Saturday, November 6, 2021

Infrastructure half done

 Policies passed by the Government should favor the most Americans possible.  So a tax cut benefitting the richest should be a bad policy while infrastructure helping everyone should be good.

However, there seems to be a failure in communication.  The first was viewed by many Americans as a good thing because they got a small temporary decrease while the latter is viewed as excessive spending.

The fact that an infrastructure bill has passed and is about to be signed, if not signed already, is a significant accomplishment that even had some bipartisan support.   It is something that the last administration never could do.

America relies upon its infrastructure and it has been neglected too long.  With this bill we can address some of its issues.  

The social infrastructure is just as important but it still faces a few hurdles.  In some ways our country is relying on employers to provide important benefits which means what you get depends on where you work.

Its time for our country to standardize those benefits for our citizens. 

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