Friday, November 19, 2021


 Last night in a performance designed to delay the House vote on the Build Back Better bill, the progressive half of Biden's agenda, the House leader of the Republicans set a record for talking while saying nothing.

It was a long meaningless thing and it accomplished nothing although it might have garnered some sound bites after editing.

The only goal, if there even was one, was to force the vote to the dead of night but that failed as the Democrats simply shifted the vote to Friday.

One could debate this bill, any bill really, but the opposition here simply opposes any Democratic initiative.  Its part of the slow laborious process to move this country into this century as far as taking care of our people and our climate.

At some point, either during the Clinton Administration or maybe the Obama one, the Republican party has one objective only, defeating the Democratic incumbent.  In a number of elections since then they were able to get vicories while losing the popular vote because of the electoral college.  

They also have a coordinated plan to entrench minority power via redistricting, suppressing hostile votes and allowing state legislatures to change outcome.

Its time the American people realized we are in the midst of a slow moving coup designed to destroy American Democracy.

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